New Making Projects


Billy Dixon, Joseph Revans and Joanna Spreadbury

The Soundbox is an accessible mp3 player made in collaboration with the Golden Group at Cherry Road Resource Centre. Our clients were a group of older service users at the centre, who live with early onset dementia in addition to multiple physical and cognitive disabilities. From our time spent getting to know the Golden Group, we discovered the importance of music to their lives. However, all of the devices used to select music for the group utilised touch screens, which were inaccessible to them.

In response to this need, and after extensive development, we produced an accessible interface for media selection, to bring greater agency to the service users. The device uses a deck of RFID “Soundcards”, which when tapped on the Soundbox trigger a specific song or sound to play from an integrated mp3 player.

Although this was a 4 week project, as a group we are planning to continue working on this project, to bring further functionality and malleability to the final artefact.

Thanks to Cherry Road Resource Centre, Artlink, Fixperts and Dave Murray-Rust.